Author: David Hartley
RI Department of Housing Survey
SS4A – Safe Streets 4 All Survey

NOW is the time to share your road safety concerns and be a part of the statewide planning process!
The SS4A planning project will create municipal Safety Action Plans (SAPs) for 32 participating communities (Exeter and Charlestown opted out), as well as a statewide SAP. This will encompass shifting safety needs, known and emerging areas of safety improvement, identification of priority projects, and will help the State of Rhode Island and its municipalities position for further federal implementation funding.
This project includes a three-tier safety analysis to understand the current state of road safety in each community, identify high risk areas, and develop a predictive view of potential crash sites. However, data doesn’t always include all the information.
SS4A needs to hear from you about your road safety concerns and hopes for your community.
Virtual Focus Group
Washington County, RI Participants needed for Virtual Focus Group
Please join us to share your valuable feedback on immunization access and resources in your community! Topics include immunization access, barriers, resource improvements. Anyone over the age of 18 with or without children is welcome to join! Virtual meeting will be held via Zoom for 2 hours. You will receive compensation after you complete the focus group and a survey. We will have time to complete the survey at the end.
For more information, email Ashley Sanchez:
Is Your Teen Interested in Improving Their Health?
To learn more call (401) 793-8945
Katelyn Fox PhD, RD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center
The Miriam Hospital & Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Researchers at the Miriam Hospital are conducting a research study to help teens increase healthy lifestyle behaviors around eating and exercise with a program called HealthTRAC.
I am a research fellow at the Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center of The Miriam Hospital and Brown University. I am reaching out to let you know of an NIH-funded research study that we are currently recruiting for that involves a free evidence-based service for teens with obesity in Washington County.
We are currently recruiting adolescents with obesity to participate in a trial to examine the effectiveness of an intensive health behavior and lifestyle program that teaches emotional regulation skills compared to a standard program. Both the intervention and control in the study are groups of 6-10 teens led by a registered dietitian and clinical psychologist that meet weekly, in person for 12 weeks followed by monthly virtual (Zoom) groups. We have been running groups in our Providence location but were recently approved to run a group in Westerly! The intervention is provided at no cost to families, and teens and caregivers receive compensation for completing assessments.
BNN January 24 Newsletter
Facilitator’s Closing
Thank you to everyone for your continued participation in our monthly BNN meetings.
I would also like to welcome Tabitha’s Closet to the BNN Group! Tabitha’s Closet is located at Peace Dale Congregrational Church and is available to the community. Tabitha’s Closet has gently used shirts, pants, coats, sweatshirts, sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves, and some shoes. For more information, please visit or contact: James McMonigle at or Suzanne Faucher at
South County Needs Assessment
To better understand Washington County’s community’s needs, Wood River Health created a survey. Completing this survey will help the county’s Health Equity Zone (HEZ), a program of the Rhode Island Department of Health to better understand the needs of your community. By taking this survey you will help us know how to make things better in your area. The goal is to better the health of Washington County communities.
This survey was created with the help of John Snow Inc., a public health firm. The information collected will be shared with Wood River Health, the Washington County HEZ Steering Committee, and to the community through the Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds website ( All the information shared will be anonymous. The survey asks about your opinions related to you and your community. This survey is completely voluntary, you can choose not to participate. You may skip any question you do not want to answer or don’t know how to answer. By answering the questions, you agree to participate.
If you have any questions about this survey, you can contact Melissa Sigua via phone at (401) 539-2461 extension 166 or at
At the end of the survey, you will be given a choice to enter a drawing to win a prize. We will select 25 names to receive a $25 gift card to Walmart. Gift cards may only be sent to addresses in Washington County.
To take the assessment, click on the link here ==> South County Needs Assessment (

Welcome to the Team
As Wood River Health continues to expand … we are proud to welcome New Team Members to our Behavioral Health Team!
For more information on our #healthcareheroes check out our website:
LGBTQ+ Safe Zone
Wood River Health has been designated by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) as an LGBTQ+ Safe Zone, certifying that we provide care that meets the specific needs of patients who identify as LGBTQ+. As a Safe Zone, Wood River Health has proven that we provide safe, affirming, and inclusive care to the members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Certification requirements for BCBSRI LGBTQ Safe Zones include staff training specific to the care of LGBTQ patients, protection for patients and staff from discrimination based on gender identity or expression, gender neutral bathrooms, inclusive forms and procedures, and a public commitment to connecting with and serving the LGBTQ+ community.
Since BCBSRI launched the program in 2016, 117 healthcare sites have achieved BCBSRI Safe Zone designation. To learn more about the program, visit the BCBSRI LGBTQ Safe Zone website.
Pictured above: Scott Gowrie, Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist and BCBSRI Safe Zone Program Lead with Wood River Health’s Kathy Vizcaino, HR Generalist; Alison L. Croke, President and CEO; and Regan Pennypacker, Board Chair. Photo by Seth Jacobson Photogaphy.