Bond with your baby BEFORE he or she is born

You have so much to say (and sing and read); you don’t have to wait!

Zero to Three says it’s okay to be excited and anxious in the months before you give birth. But don’t forget, the online resource reminds you, you can start communicating with your arrival-to come right now.

Here’s how:

  • “Don’t let anyone tell you it’s silly to talk, read, and sing to your baby before he’s born. It’s not,” says Kathy Kinsner. “Between 18 and 22 weeks, your baby’s ears are developing and by 30 weeks, your baby may be able to hear and remember language. This means your little one is taking in the sounds around him—including your voice! Talking, singing, and reading to your baby are great ways to connect and give you a chance to start some of the fun parts of being a parent. Say hi in the morning and goodnight before you go to sleep, and chat about your day in between.”
  • Around 20 weeks, you will begin to feel your baby kick and turn. You can gently tap or rub your belly when your baby kicks and watch for a response. Invite other loved ones, including big brothers and sisters, to take advantage of this chance to get acquainted, too.
  • Take some take to communicate with yourself and your partner. “The more you are aware of your expectations, the better able you are to put them aside once the baby is born and discover who she really is,” Kinsner advises. Some parents also start a baby journal to write down their thoughts and feelings. When your child gets older, you can share the thoughts you had as you were waiting for him to arrive.

Read the entire article and more at Zero to Three.

Your Thriving Child
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